
ao3:honeyscore 随缘ID:蜜分


living with autism

看了bbc的那个纪录片Living with autism,里面有段对话我觉得很有意思,所以记下来



Back at home here in Worthing, she's just movedin with her partner Keith, who is also on the autistic spectrum. They're about to spend their first Christmastogether in their new home. So how can these two people forge a relationshipwhen social interactions cause them crippling anxiety? 


INTERVIEWER: How did you find each other, meet each other?

Sarah: (giggle) On the internet! Where all socially awkward people go to find each other.

INTERVIEWER: Was there any rush of love atany point in the early days?

Keith: I don't really know what that means. Erm...

Sarah: I never expected to fall for him orbe particularly attracted to him or anything. It was a really logical experiment, to deliberately go out with someone that I didn’t fancy that muchin order to see what it would be like to have a nice friendship with somebody, cos that wasn’t my kind of history. What was your thinking? You wanted someoneto have sex with.

Keith: Yeah, yeah. 

Sarah: And you were largely…

Keith: I think that was my initial motivating force, yes.

Sarah: …unconcerned about who that was. Therewasn’t a huge amount of selection process.

Keith: No. If someone was willing then so was I.


Keith: So why are we together, then?

Sarah: I don't know. Why are together? You tell me.

Keith: You're my… required amount of social contact.

Sarah: I'm your 5ml teaspoon a day? 

Keith: Yes, that’s it.


Sarah and Keith constantly struggle to makesense of social activities.


Sarah: We don't do any socializing whatsoeverfor Christmas. I think you've got a Christmas works lunch that everybody goes to in your office. Doesn’t even occur to me to even think about anything. It doesn't feel like… it just doesn't occur to me that we would go somewhere. Where would we go? What would we do?

Keith: What would you do?

Sarah: I don't know. What do you do?

Keith: I don't know. No.

Sarah: It wouldn't even occur to me to wantto do anything like that, not at all. I don't miss people. I don't have the emotion of missing somebody when they're not there. I might prefer them to be with me… but I don't think it's quite the same emotion that I understand that other people have in terms of missing people.

INTERVIEWER: And yet you two are in a close relationship.

Sarah: Yes. We are peas in a pod. (giggle) Do you miss me when I'm not there? I don't think you do. I think we've talkedabout this before, haven't we?

Keith: When I have to interact with others,then yes, because the interaction that I have with them is never as satisfying as the interaction I have with you.

Sarah: Is that 'missing'?  You've always said, "I prefer it when you're there, " which suggests to me a sort of absence of a …

Keith: (Nod)

Sarah: I think missing involves abstract imagination. It involves… some kind of ability to picture another reality other than the one you're in at the moment, and I don’t think either of used are particularlycapable at doing that.


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